Department of Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics

The Department of Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics was founded in September, 1968 (until August, 1976 – the Department of Theoretical Cybernetics and Mathematical Logic).

Since the foundation of the department it was headed by: associate professor Vasylenko Y. A. (1968–1973), associate professor Halasi A.A. (1973-1978), Professor Ayzenberg N.N. (1978-1984), Professor Holovach Y. I. (1984-1998), associate professor Malyar M.M. (1998-2013).

In its lifetime the Department of Cybernetics and Applied Mathematics keep relations with such research institutions as Institute of Cybernetics of  NAS of  Ukraine (Kyiv), Space Research Institute ( Moscow), Nonprofit Organization "Astrophysics" (Moscow), State Research Computing Center of  USSR Gosplan ( Kyiv), Physical-Mechanical Institute of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of  Sciences (Lviv), computing center of the USSR Academy of  Sciences  (Moscow),  Institute of Gas of the Ukrainian SSR Academy of  Sciences (Kyiv), Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of  the Ukrainian  SSR Academy of  Sciences (Kharkiv), Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Ukraine (Kyiv), Institute of  Radio Electronics (Kharkiv), Taras Shevchenko National University of  Kyiv, Institute of  Space Research ( Kyiv), State Institute of  Research (Lviv), Lviv Polytechnic National University.

Staff members:

There are 17 employees of  the Department, among them: 2 Doctors of  Technical Sciences, 3 Candidates of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,5 Candidates of Technical Sciences, 2 Candidates of Economics.
