Sharing European Integration Know-how and CBC Experience between Norway and Russia with Ukraine

Grant agreement № CBC01014  


The project is implemented and financed by Norway Grants and the Government of Slovak Republic

Implementation period: January 2016 – April 2017

Coordinator on behalf of UzhNU: Yuriy Ostapets – PhD., associate professor of the Department of Political Science and State Administration, Dean of the Faculty Social Sciences

Aim of the project:

  • development of cross-border cooperation of Ukraine and the EU
  • the study of the integration peculiarities within the context of the European space  integration and safety
  • the analysis of the cross-border cooperation of the Visegrad Group countries with the Transcarpathian region
  • the study of the European experience of the regional policy and the administrative reforms implementation

Research Centre of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association

University of Prešov

Fakulta sociálnych a ekonomických vied, Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava

Faculty of Finnmark, University of Tromso

Centrum pre strategické partnerstvo

Ukrajinsko-slovenský inštitút humanitných iniciatív