

Gender Education Center celebrated its 15th anniversary!

On Tuesday, December 18, 2018, Gender Education Center of UzhNU celebrated its 15th anniversary. It was founded in 2003 at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Uzhhorod National University with the support of the UNDP, the State Committee of Ukraine for Family and Youth and the Department for Family, Youth and Sports of the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration. Since 2006 the center has been functioning as a structural unit of UzhNU. During the whole period of its activity, the center became known far beyond the boundaries of the region, and its achievements have been successfully used in Ukraine.

 Marianna Kolodiy, the head of the Gender Education Center, told about the main stages of its development and the projects initiated by the center. "Our first achievements included an ever-expanding library with the books on gender issues, "Gendernyi promin"- a collection of student research papers, "The Gender Face of the Transcarpathian Region"- a collection of statistical information, and introduction of the academic discipline "Gender and Politics" into the curriculum. Many initiatives launched by our center were also implemented in other regions of Ukraine.

During the meeting, they mentioned the formation of gender policy in Transcarpathia, the projects implemented by the center, in particular the activities on gender orienteering, high-altitude trainings, responsible parenting, preparation for marriage school, sexism in advertisements, etc. They also discussed the activities and projects implemented by the Gender Education Center at present.

