

Law Faculty of UzhNU becomes a partner in the implementation of the Visegrad Fund grant project

According to the official announcement of the International Visegrad Fund, the project "Registration of Churches and Religious Organizations" in the category "Culture and General Identity" proposed by the partners from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine and Austria, was positively assessed by the International Visegrad Fund and accordingly the funds for its implementation  were allocated.

The main objective of the proposed project is to study the legal principles regulating the legal basis for the registration of churches and religious organizations in the V4 states, Austria and Ukraine; obtaining necessary knowledge and experience to compare the system and legislative framework in this area; formulating legal decisions de lege ferenda in Slovakia, aimed at strengthening democracy and harmonizing legal provisions.

The chief project coordinator is an Associate Professor.(doc. Damián Němec) from the Institute for Legal Affairs of Religious Freedom of the Faculty of Law of Trnava University in Trnava (Slovakia). The coordinator of the project from UzhNU is a Deputy. Dean  for International Relations of the Law Faculty of UzhNU, the Director of the SRI for Ecclesiastical and State Law and Church and State Relations, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor Oleksandr Bilash (Archimandrite Evfrosyn).

 The Ukrainian part of the project will be implemented on the basis of the Department of Administrative, Financial and Information Law headed by the Doctor of Law, Associate Professor Karabin T.O.) and the SRI for Ecclesiastical and State Law and Church and State Relations of UzhNU.

Project partners are also:

The Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration of John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (Poland);

The Faculty of Law of Palacky University Olomouc (Czech Republic);

The Faculty of Law of Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, (Hungary);

The Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna (Austria).

 As noted by the Associate Professor Oleksandr Bilash, such intensive international scientific cooperation in many directions is possible due to skillful coordination of efforts and effective leadership of the Dean of the Faculty of Law of UzhNU, Professor Yaroslav Lazur. The support of the university administration and cooperation with the Department for International Relations of UzhNU are very important for us. We hope that this is just the beginning of our cooperation in the Visegrad Fund projects and we are sure that this area of our activity will advance in the future."
