

The Institute for International Partnership and another Medical Faculty were opened at UzhNU

On June 16, 2016 the Academic Council introduced changes to the university structure by creating another Faculty of Medicine and renaming one of university’s departments into the Institute for International Partnership.

According to the Academic Council’s decision, another medical faculty for foreigners with the English language of teaching will be opened. The newly created subdivision will include three departments - the Department of Basic Medical Sciences, the Department of Public Health and Humanities and the Department of Internal Diseases. According to the Rector Volodymyr Smolanka, it's an urgent step, because the medical faculty has substantially grown. It has more than 1,300 Ukrainian students and more than 400 foreign ones. Therefore, another medical faculty will start operating at Uzhhorod National University in July, 2016.

The Academic Council also decided to create the Institute for International Partnership within the structure of the Faculty of International Relations which will operate on a voluntary basis. The subdivision will be managed by the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine, diplomat, assistant professor of the department of international relations Ihor Dir.

In addition, the Academic Council renamed the department for promoting employability of students and graduates into the department for promoting employment and career guidance which is to be an intermediary between graduates/employers and applicants/university.
