

UzhNU has signed Memorandum of Cooperation with the National Institute for Strategic Studies

UzhNU has signed Memorandum of Cooperation with the National Institute for Strategic Studies

The Memorandum of Cooperation, signed between UzhNU and NISS in Kyiv on October 30 2019, was handed over to the Rector of Uzhhorod National University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, prof. Volodymyr Smolanka by the counsellor to the NISS Directorate Svitlana Mitryayeva on behalf of the Director of the National Institute for Strategic Studies, Doctor of Political Science, prof. Oleksandr Lytvynenko.

The Memorandum was signed to enhance the scientific, educational and practical collaboration of the Parties by means of creating groups of experts to study the topical issues of social and political processes, economic, international, interethnic, interfaith relations, law enforcement, and hold joint advisory activities and presentations.

The Memorandum shall take effect on the date of its signing by the Parties and shall be valid for five years.
