

UzhNU is going to train double chemistry and ecology specialists for secondary education

The Faculty of Chemistry is one of the oldest structural units of Uzhhorod National University, which celebrated its 70th anniversary last year. There’s still high demand for professionals trained by the faculty at the labour market like 70, 50 or 30 years ago. Moreover, according to the dean of the faculty Vasyl Lendel, there’s shortage of chemists at the labour market at present and it’ll make the faculty even more popular among this year’s applicants.

Graduates of the Faculty of Chemistry of UzhNU can work as teachers at schools and colleges, as engineers at enterprises, laboratory workers at the customs, veterinary medicine institutions and law-enforcement agencies of the region. Graduates of the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection can work as civil cervants for state agencies, for environmental affairs and nature conservation departments of industrial enterprises, for research institutions etc. Students with research skills can continue their education at the post-graduate courses at any department of the Faculty of Chemistry.

Young researchers of the Chemistry faculty of UzhNU have the opportunity to participate in international grant projects. For example, the Department of Organic and Analytical Chemistry is currently implementing a joint  Visegrad Fund project.

 At present, the Chemistry faculty has 10 professors, 25 associate professors, 1 senior lecturers and 56 employees. More than three dozen graduates become doctors of chemical sciences and over 130 became candidates of chemical sciences. It’s quite logical that there’s high demand for the trainees of such powerful scientific school abroad. Currently, 12 chemists and ecologists are studying in post-graduate schools or are working in Prague, Bratislava and Budapest. However, most graduates of the Chemistry faculty of UzhNU return to their districts and work as teachers in various educational institutions - schools, colleges andliceums.
