Department of Scientific and Research Work Organization

The main functions of the Division are as follows:

  • Formation of the thematic plan of scientific research of the University by:
    1. Organization of competitive selection of research projects proposed for implementation by government funding and submission of relevant applications to scientific and expert councils of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
    2. Presentation of research projects at competitions of the Foundation for fundamental research, in national and regional scientific-technical programs, in accordance with international programs, agreements and grants;
    3. Concluding  economic contracts for development and implementation of the scientific-technical projects of the university.
  • Organization, conducting and control of measures to implement the thematic plan of scientific research:
    1. Drafting and approval, in cooperation with the supervisors, of documentation on the state budgetary and contract research projects (specifications, contracts, protocols, schedules, etc.);
    2. Development and approval, in cooperation with the Planning Department of the University, of cost estimates, staff lists for research projects and monitoring their implementation;
    3. Keeping current records and making reports on research projects, correspondence with the customers (acts of acceptance, financial and administrative documents, etc.);
    4. The organization, maintenance and control, in cooperation with the Accounting Department, of rational use of financial, material and technical resources allocated to conduct research activities.
  • Preparation of annual reports on the research activities of the University in accordance with the existing requirements and their presentation at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
  • Submission of quarterly and annual statistical reports to government statistics authorities.
  • Staffing of the research activities of the University by:
    1. Issuance of orders on personnel performing research work and contracts of civil law to attract performers of research projects;
    2. Keeping documentation on personnel under the law (personal records, employment records of the staff, etc.);
    3. Organization and supervision of the research personnel work activity (approval of working schedules, vacation schedules, etc.);
    4. Organization of certification of research workers, engineers and technicians in accordance with the existing requirements.
  • Formation of funds of standards, specifications, methods of measurement, regulatory and technical documentation that regulate scientific research activity.
  • Ensuring control of norms of reports on research projects, specifications and other regulatory and technical documentation created as a result of research work;
  • Development and approval of schedules of state verification of measuring equipment and organization of certification of non-standard methods of measurement.
  • Drafting of the necessary legal and normative technical documentation for the regulation of research activities of the University and its implementation.
