Research-and-Development Department

The Scientific Research Department of the University is a structural association of the following scientific research departments: the scientific research institutes, problem and industry research laboratories, design and engineering offices, departmental research groups, divisions and management groups. It operates under the Statute of the University to perform the thematic plan of scientific research of the University at an appropriate scientific and technical level in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, standards and other regulatory and technical documents, and to train highly qualified specialists.

The main objectives of the Scientific Research Department in the field of scientific and technical activities are as follows:

  • Development of  fundamental research in natural, human, psychological, pedagogical, social and economic sciences for their further use for the development of priority areas of science and technology, social development and the development of the national economy.
  • Implementation of applied research and development for the efficient use and advancement of scientific potential, raising additional funds to address social and other problems of the areas concerned.
  • Research and development of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the formation of higher education, strengthening the impact of science on the solution of the problems of education and training, preservation and strengthening of the decisive role of science in the development of the society, culture and economy.
  • Support of the existing and formation of new scientific schools.
  • Implementation of measures to support the research of young scientists and talented students, and their involvement in scientific schools.
  • Ensuring the training of qualified specialists, scientific and pedagogical staff based on the latest scientific and technological progress.
  • Efficient use of the scientific and research potential of higher education to address the priorities of upgrading the production and implementation of socio-economic transformations.
  • Development of new, advanced forms of scientific-technical cooperation with foreign and domestic academic and scientific centres for the solution of the most important scientific and technical problems, creation of high technologies and increased use of scientific developments in industry.
  • Development of innovative activity to generate scientific and technical products and competitive designs of new techniques and materials, and market-oriented high technologies.
  • Promoting the protection of intellectual property and copyright of researchers as the basis of strengthening and development of science, and entering the world market of high-tech products.
  • Upgrading and updating the experimental production base of the University and its efficient use.
  • Organization of information and publishing activities, promotion of achievements of high school science through the media and Internet.
  • Conducting short-term research of the scientific services market, patent and licensing work, marketing, information provision and transfer of scientific and technical products in accordance with international standards.

Development and putting substance to standards of higher education, taking into account the achievements of world science and technology.
