Department of Tourist Infrastructure and Service

Department of Touristic Infrastructure and Service started its activity in 2005 as a part of Geographical Faculty of Uzhhorod National University as the Department of  Tourism under the supervision of an experienced specialist and expert – Matsola Vasyl Ivanovych. In 2006 the Department was headed by an honoured worker of tourism in Ukraine – Professor in Philosophy – Shandor Fedir Fedorovych. According to Decree 138/01-03 dated form 17.04.2013 –a new structural unit – Faculty of Tourism and International Communications was founded (Dean of the Faculty – Habchak N.F. Ph.D in Geography, docent). At the same time the Department of Touristic Infrastructure and Service was founded – as a structural unit of newly founded Faculty.

The strategic purpose of studying and scientific activity of the Department of Touristic Infrastructure and Service is creation of a new highly cultural and educated generation, qualified specialists of touristic branch and development of new touristic and recreational products for Carpathian Region. Training highly professional specialists of touristic branch is the inseparable part of general educational studying process. Scientific and educational staff of the Department of Touristic Infrastructure and Service has a significant scientific potential and achievements. Besides constant work for increasing qualification level are elaborated scientific methodical complexes in different disciplines, during the last five years about 100  scientific articles were published also within the frame of complex scientific topic “Constant development of tourism in Ukraine”, were also prepared for publication monographs, lection courses, manuals (4 with stamp of Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine). Under supervision of scientific and educational staff of the Department about  250 bachelor and master papers were done and also more than 50 scientific articles were made by students, including students’ speeches at different conferences.

Nowadays taking into consideration the reformation of educational system in Ukraine and adjoining of Ukraine to Bologne Process – its considerable enhancement is done. A great attention is paid to studying, manufacturing, pedagogic and pre-diploma practice – as to the important component of educational process according to the highest level of accreditation. Of big importance while preparing specialists of tourism branch is the combination of theory and practice: our students constantly participate in monitoring of tourism  and recreational industry of Transcarpathian Region. Achievement of this principle contributes to the quality improvement of specialists prepared. As a basis for educative practice for students are the best hotels and restaurants, touristic and recreational complexes, leading tour operators and touristic agencies of Transcarpathian Region. Besides agreements have been signed  with touristic organizations of Europe, the USA and Asia.

During years of 2009-2014  the scientific-educational staff of the Department of Tourism  executed grant proposals: expert participation in international projects TASIS, Pl-BY-UA 150-733-2 “Creation of pre conditions for developing touristic infrastructure at boundary regions on the basis of Castle Complexes” (2009), TASIS, SK_HU_UA “Historic vine route: Spishska Kapitula – Serednye” (2010), TASIS, SK-HU-UA “Honey tourism: Spishska Kapitula – Uzhhorod” (2011) TASIS, SK-HU-UA “Vine Tourism: Spishska Kapitula – Uzhhorod” (2012). The important indicator of the work of Department Staff is its membership in world-wide organization of tourism in Ukraine.
