

The Faculty of Medicine harmonizes its curricula with EU standards

Changes to the curricula of the specialisms "Medicine" and "Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy" were discussed and approved at the meeting of the Academic Council of UzhNU, which took place on April 18, 2019. The curricula, previously used by the Faculty of Medicine, were approved by the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine and were subject only to minor adjustments in terms of redistribution of hours between classroom hours and hours for independent study. However, on September 18, 2018, by order # 1696, the MoH cancelled somewhat outdated curricula, assigning the authority and responsibility for the development of new curricula to universities.

 Following the unified standards of higher education, the faculties of medicine were able to respond promptly to the rapid development of medicine and adjust their curricula to modern requirements. The first step taken in this direction was analyzing the experience and curricula of the medical faculties at the universities of the Visegrad countries. As an example, the curricula of the following universities were taken into consideration: Medical University of Warsaw and the Faculties of Medicine of the Jagiellonian University (Krakow), Charles University (Prague), Masaryk University (Brno), Comenius University (Bratislava), Pavol Jozef Safarik University (Košice), Semmelweis University (Budapest) and the University of Debrecen.

