Faculty of History and International Relations

Year of the journal’s foundation: 1995.

Subject area of the journal: topical issues of archaeology, ethnology, history of Ukraine, the world history, international relations, historiography, sources study, special historical disciplines, theory and methodology of historical science.

Certificate of state registration: series KV № 7972 as of October 9, 2003

A “Scientific Bulletin of Uzhhorod National University (Series: History)” is registered by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine as a professional edition on the specialism "Historical Sciences" (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1328 as of December 21, 2015).

Periodicity: twice a year.

Language of publications: Ukrainian, Russian, English.

Founder: The Public Higher Educational Institution "Uzhhorod National University".

Main sections of the publication:

• History of Ukraine;

• World History;

• anthropology, ethnology, oral history;

• historiography and source study;

• reviews;

• historical essays;

• publication of sources;

• jubilees;

• obituaries

The publication of the publication in the scientific libraries of Ukraine, determined by the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science, is being implemented. In other scientific and scientific-pedagogical institutions collection can get through colleagues.



1. The scientific article should contain the following essential elements:

  • Definition of the problem in general terms and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks;
  • analysis of recent studies and publications which contributed to this subject research and informed the author; statement of previously unresearched or under-researched parts of the general problem to which this article is devoted;
  • formulation of the tasks of the research (the tasks statement);
  • an outline of the main research material with a full substantiation of the scientific results obtained;
  • conclusion from this study and prospects for further research.

Titles of structural elements of the article are highlighted in bold.

2. The language of the manuscript: Ukrainian, Russian, English.

3. The paper manuscript is submitted to the editorial office in the form of: a manuscript file sent to the e-mail address of the editorial office: jurij.danilec@uzhnu.edu.ua in the format "Author - Article title.doc".

4. The scientific article is submitted to the editorial board in the completed form, must be carefully proofread by the author (co-authors) regarding the absence of grammatical and stylistic mistakes and formatted in accordance with the requirements established by the editorial board. Journalistic style is not accepted. The presentation of the article material should be consistent, logically completed, with clear wording that excludes double interpretation or misunderstanding of information; the language of the text should be expressive, concise, consistent with literary norms and scientific style.

5. The editorial board and independent reviewers will take decision as to the article publication. The article is double blind peer reviewed.

6. General requirements for the manuscript of the article:

- volume of the manuscript - from 12 to 24 pages (exception, not more than 30 pages), including drawings and tables;

- The article should be prepared using Microsoft Word for Windows (version 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013) or a compatible editor;

- a page size is A4 (210х297), "book" orientation of the page; 1 line spacing; font14 Times New Roman. The text should not contain hyphens and macros.

- the margins (parameters) of the page are as follows: 2.5 cm left, top and bottom,  2 cm right.

7. Location of the structural elements of the article:

- UDC index;

- name, patronymic, surname of the author (authors);

- academic degree, academic rank; position and affiliation (given without abbreviations); e-mail; Profiles: ОRCID, ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID.

- title of the article and abstract in Ukrainian and English. The abstract must be structured, contain the purpose of the research, the methods applied, the basic conclusions obtained; if an article is submitted in Russian, abstracts must be submitted in three languages. If the publication is not in English, an abstract in English should contain at least 1800 characters, including keywords. The volume of the Ukrainian-language (Russian-language) abstract should contain 5-6 sentences.

- keywords in Ukrainian (Russian) and English;

- References. References are given at the end of the article in alphabetical order in the original language, according to Harvard Referencing style. Foreign publications are given at the beginning of the list.


  • Антонович, В.Б., 1900. К вопросу о Галицко-Русской литературе, К., 28 с.
  • Голобородько, Я., 2011. Подвижник «української ідеї»: до 170-річчя від дня народження М. П. Драгоманова, Вісник Національної академії наук України, №10, с. 49–61.
  • Український Прапор, 1920, 15 серпня, с. 2.
  • Нариси історії Волинської обласної партійної організації, 1968, Н. Л. Алексєєва, В. О. Замлинський, Б. Й. Заброварний, О. М. Швидак, Київ: вид-тво політ. Л-ри України, 254 с.
  • Виховання як цілеспрямована діяльність педагога. [online] Доступно: http://www.ukr.vipreshebnik. ru/pedagogika–ta–psikhologiya/ /1407–vikhovanny. (дата звернення: 23.05. 2018).
  • Державний архів Закарпатської області, ф. 151, оп. 3, спр. 111, арк. 11.
  • ДАЗО, ф. 151, оп. 3, спр. 111, арк. 12.

- References. References are transliterated in Latin letters (References). If the scientific work is written in a language using the Cyrillic alphabet, its bibliographic description must be transliterated in Latin letters. The title of the paper in Latin letters is followed by its translation into English in brackets. After each reference, in the parentheses the source language should be indicated, for example: (in Ukrainian) or (in Russian). Transliteration needs to be made according to the source language: for the Ukrainian language, the official transliteration, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of January 27, 2010, No. 55, should be applied; for the Russian language - use transliteration in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Federal Migration Service of Russia of February 3, 2010, No. 26. There are online services for transliteration: for sources in Ukrainian - "Standard Ukrainian transliteration in the passport standard" (http://translit.kh. ua /? passport); for sources in Russian - "TRANSLIT.CC" (http: // translit.cc) Foreign literature and sources stay unchanged.

8. The references to the sources in the text are presented in the following way: (Antonovich, 1900, p. 15). The archival sources in the text are fully described: (DASO, vol. 151, op. 1, pp. 1, p. 10).

9. The manuscript of the article, the authors of which have no scientific degree, are accompanied by an external review of the candidate or doctor of sciences on the specialism of publication (scientific supervisor) or extract from the minutes of the department meeting recommending the article for publication. A review or extract from the minutes is submitted scanned by e-mail.

10. The authors of the materials are responsible for the content, accuracy of the submitted facts, quotations, numbers and last names. The editorial office reserves the right to minor edits and shortenings, as well as proofreading the article (preserving the main conclusions and style of the author). The editorial board may not share the authors’ ideological beliefs.

11. The scanned material is not accepted. Photographs for illustrations should be sent as individual files in one of the graphic file formats (for example, * jpg).

12. The article pages are not numbered.

13. Information about the author (authors): last name, first name, patronymic, academic degree, academic rank, position and affiliation (without abbreviations), contact phone, e-mail, Nova Poshta office number. Information is duplicated in English.


Archive «Scientific Herald  of Uzhhorod University. Series: History» on website Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

Дата оновлення сторінки: 25.03.2019