Department of Business-administration, Marketing and Management

The scientific seminar works permanently at the department (supervisor – Prof. I.I. Cherlenyak). Both faculty lecturers and students take part in this seminar.

The All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists entitled "Dynamics of development of foreign relationships of Ukraine: historical, evolutional, economical and law" was held on April 26–27, 2012 in Uzhgorod on the basis of the TranscarpathianStateUniversity. This Conference was held in accordance with the plan of the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine concerning organization of international and Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences and seminars of young scientists and students in 2012. The scientific collection of works entitled "Dynamics of development of foreign relationships of Ukraine: historical, evolutional, economical and law. Materials of the All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conference of students and young scientists, April 26–27, 2012/ Ed. F.G. Vashchuk and E.V. Bevziuk, – Uzhgorod ZakDU, 2012.– 395 pp." was also issued. The chair lecturers were not only the participants but also the direct organizers of this Conference (assistant E.I. Baloha, Prof. I.I. Cherleniak).

During the academic year the chair lecturers carry out scientific research within the framework of the complex programme "Problems of business and economy development in the Central-European countries". The assistant professor V.P. Fedurtsya was the complex programme supervisor. Different aspects of this programme are detailed in the individual programs of scientific research of the chair members. All the chair lecturers have publications related to scientific research.


The informational resource of educational programs is regularly replenished at the department providing the access of students and lecturers. As of today, the electronic database is created for each discipline, i.e. the recommended and mandatory literature, methodological materials, working programs, lecture courses, questions for students' independent work, self-control questions. The chair possesses an electronic library that contains more than 3,000 electronic textbooks and additional literature with free access for lecturers and students.

Assistant professor O.M. Ivanitsky created a statistical base on entrepreneurship in Transcarpathian province (tables, graphs, diagrams and text materials) being updated each six months.

In order to provide the faculty students with larger amount of knowledge the mandatory requirement was included into the programme of writing the bachelor's works, i.e. execution of business plans (the best of them will be included into the collection of works of the lecturers and students). The diploma works related to the qualification degree of specialist must include service and/or goods delivery contracts. Publication of scientific article (based on the project theme) is a mandatory condition of defending the bachelor's and diploma projects.

An important item of the department functioning is the development of the remote learning project and creation of the bank of disciplines and electronic textbooks. All the subjects at the chair of foreign business and world politics are provided with the "Electronic learning complex". It includes working programs, electronic lecture course, electronic practical course, methodological recommendations and different sources of information that simplify student's work.

The lecturers of the department provide the availability of educational and methodological material for any types of studies, including working programs, electronic lecture courses, practical and seminar classes, methodological recommendations and the sources of educational and additional literature that simplify student's work. 

Відповідальний за інформацію: Дюгованець Олеся Михайлівна
Дата оновлення сторінки: 31.10.2018