Department of Faculty Therapy

The department of Faculty Therapy of UzhNU was established in 1954. The organizer of the department and its first head (1954-1958 gg.) was a senior lecturer S. Dobosh - highly qualified specialist, alumnus of the Medical Faculty of Prague University. Since 1958 till 1969 the head of the department was doctor of Medicine, Professor H.I Marantidi - highly educated, erudite man, an alumnus of the Medical Faculty of the University of Athens. In 1969-1979., the department was headed by doctor of Medicine, Professor I. Melnyk, and since 1979 till 2000 - doctor of Medicine, Professor M.I. Fatula. Since 1.01.2001, the department is headed by the doctor of Medicine, professor T.M Ganych.

In the past, at the Department of of Faculty Therapy have worked highly qualified specialists, F.S. Kerekesh (1954-1975 gg.), Assoc. Y. Roshkovych (1960 - 2001 years.), Prof. F.F.Telychko (1967-1974 gg.), Assoc. M.M. Lenchur (1967-1978 gg.), Assoc. NS Mashkarynets (1965-1999 gg.), Assoc. AA Sochka (1967 - 1993 years.), Assoc. MI Kruchanytsya (1968 - 1973 years.), asis. P.S.Dobosh (1970-1979 gg.), Prof. M.M. Kyshko (1970-1990 gg.).

On the 09/01/2013, the department has 11lecturers, including:

  • Professors - 3 (Doctor of Medical Sciences T.M. Ganych, Doctor of Medical Sciences O.I. Lemko, Doctor of medical sciences M.I.Fatula).
  • Associate Professors - 6 (candidate of medical science O.A. Rishko, candidate of medical science V.V. Svystak, candidate of medical science M.M. Bletskan, candidate of medical science AA . Shyutyev M.M ., candidate of medical science Lazoryk M.I.).
  • Assistants - 2 (candidate of medical science Ganych O.T., Ganych T.O.).

The department annually performs in the full volume of pedagogical workload within 6.5 - 7.5 thousand hours. At the department of Faculty Therapy students of 4-6 years of study of medical and dental departments are studing . Among them:

1. 4th year students of the Medical Faculty, specialty "medicine":

  • «Internal medicine (4th year of study). "Classes are conducted by all lecturers of the department.
  • "Physical rehabilitation and sports medicine." Classes are conducted by Assoc. Svystak V.
  • «Phytotherapy." Classes are conducted by Assoc. Bletskan M.M.

2. 6th year students of the Medical Faculty, specialty "medicine":

  • «Internal medicine (4th year of study). "Classes are conducted by all lecturers of the department.
  • Current issues of Clinical Immunology (prof. Lemko AI).
  • «General Practice, Family Medicine" (Assos professor Trokhymovych AA).

3. Students of 3-4 courses of dental faculty, specialty "Dentistry"

  • Internal Medicine (lecturers of the department).

In recent years, the staff has published more than 30 methodical recommendations for students and doctors, 10 manuals (including 2 labeled with MES), including:

  1. Fatula M.I,  Shyutyev , Svystak V.V., Rishko O.A, Chekan K.A, The basics of practical electrocardiography: educational guidance.- 3rd edition.- Uzhgorod, UzhNU, 2007 - 80 pages.
  2. Pichkar Y.I, Rishko M.V, Svystak V.V., Buletsa B.A., Chemet O.A., Krafchyk O.M., Pichkar N. diabetes mellitus. - A manual for doctors of general practice, students, interns (in collaboration), Uzhgorod, 2008. - 95 p.
  3.  Ganych T.M., Fatula M.I., Ganych O.M. Clinical phytotherapy // Training manual for students of medical faculties HEI. 2nd Edition, extanded and edited. - Uzhgorod "Goverla", 2008. - 304 p.
  4. Ganych O.M, Ganych T.M.,  Hanynets P.P. Practical dietology // Training manual for students, interns and doctors of general practice. - Uzhgorod, 2009. - 264 p.
  5. .Ganych O.M., Ganych T.M., Hanynets P.P., Alcohol and smoking: the bond of bondage // Training Manual for Students of the course of "Valeology." - Uzhgorod, 2009. - 128 p.
  6. Lazoryk M.I., Intellectual property protection in practice of pharmacist // Manual for Students and pharmacists. - Uzhgorod, 2008. - 75 p.
  7. Fatula M.I.; Rishko O.A. Internal diseases. Section I - cardiorheumatology. - Educational and methodological Manual for III-rd year students of the Faculty of Dentistry of UzhNU. - Uzhgorod, 2011. - 148 p.
  8. Fatula M.I., Rishko O.A.Internal medicine. Manual. Section II -pulmonology (A manual for self-education for practical classes of III year students of the Faculty of Dentistry of UzhNU) - Uzhgorod: Publisher of UzhNU "Hoverla", 2012. - 96 p.
  9. Fatula M.I., Rishko O.A. The internal medicine. Manual. Section IV - Nephrology. (A manual for self education for practical classes of III year students of the Faculty of Dentistry of UzhNU) - Uzhgorod: Publisher of UzhNU "Hoverla", 2013. - 59 p.
  10. Fatula M.I., Fatula Y.M. Ukrainians - Nobel Prize laureates / Scientific Scientific reference edition.- Uzhgorod, 2011.- 76 p.

In the university contest of textbooks and manuals of Natural Sciences (January 2010) edition of "Clinical phytotherapy" received the winner prize.

At the department of Faculty Therapy has been always conducted thorough scientific investigations. Since the first days of the organization of the department its staff studied goiter epidemic in Transcarpathia 60-70 years, previous century, considerable attention was paid to the research of  resor tfactors of the region. Since the mid 70's the staff of the department were actively engaged in the problems of rheumatism, and in 80-90 years - non-communicable diseases of  heart, including examination of persons suffering from hypertension on the background of excessive consumption of sodium chloride.


Відповідальний за інформацію: Ганич Тарас Михайлович
Дата оновлення сторінки: 24.07.2018