

All facets of life of UzhNU students in a series of videos

All facets of life of UzhNU students in a series of videos

Training at Uzhhorod National University involves not only lectures, seminars and exams. These are interesting years of full-fledged and multi-faceted student life, with a lot of new, often unique opportunities opening before young people.

We start publishing a series of videos about different facets of student life at UzhNU. We’ll show how interests and hobbies grow into something bigger - a successful practical experience.

These are the stories how UzhNU students fulfil themselves in science and art, in social activities and business, in volunteering and sports. Many facets - many stories.

Moreover, every good initiative can find support and every interesting idea can be implemented at Uzhhorod National University

Students are different. Interests are different. Opportunities are different.

There’s one place - UzhNU

Watch how our students discover the world together with Erasmus +, in this video

This is the story about the opportunities provided to students by other academic mobility programs.

In this video you can see how the university library uses modern technologies.

The next video familiarizes you with the sports facilities of UzhNU and sports achievements of our students.

This video is about the military department of UzhNU which is one of the highlights of the university.
